Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 26th...A teacher's Black Friday!

I was one of those people standing in lines and shopping all night on Black Friday; however, I almost get more excited for December 26th. On December 26th I plan for the next Christmas with my students. Most stores deeply discount their Christmas merchandise. My favorite things to buy for the next year:
  1. Thank you cards: At Christmastime I receive gifts from my students and make it a goal to write a thank you card before the break. These thank you cards are so much cheaper the day after Christmas.
  2. Ornaments/Crafts: Many teachers have their students make gifts for their parents at Christmastime. This is the perfect time to buy DIY crafts or ornaments that the students can make for their parents.
  3. Gifts for students: When teaching 20 or more students, it is important to be thrifty with their Christmas presents. I usually look for gifts that can be used for the next year. I try to buy more than I think I will need (you can always have a stockpile).
  4. Christmas Wrap/Bows/Tags: My students always wrap the presents they make for their parents. I always make sure to buy different bows, wrapping paper, and gift tags.

I teach at a Catholic School and am fortunate enough to celebrate Christmas with my students. Have a Merry Christmas and remember to plan ahead for next Christmas!

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