Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Post for Class

For my writing class, an assignment is to electronically publish a piece of writing from the semester. How appropriate that one of my pieces was on my frugalness. It can be found below:

Being a teacher has taught me the value of a dollar; being a Catholic schoolteacher has taught me the value of a quarter, though I would not change it for the world. I can always remember my family calling me frugal. I know the location of the clearance section in all of the stores I frequent. If I do not know where the clearance section is, I will find it. When I became a teacher, my dad said, “you know, now that you have a full-time job, you can buy clothes that aren’t on clearance.” To me, this is crazy talk. Why would I buy something when I can get something similar that is 50% off, or more? My grandma’s favorite game to play is “guess how much Megan’s outfit costs!?!”. The thrill I get from finding a new clearance item is exhilarating. I love hunting through the racks and bins. Shopping would be boring if you walked up to the rack, chose your item, and purchased it. I love the thrill of the hunt; it makes the purchase so much better. Clearance shopping is therapeutic to me. 

My favorite money saver would have to be my Coach purse. We went to the outlets to purchase a Coach purse as a prize for an event at church. They told me to pick one out, and I found this beautiful brown and pink bag that I would NEVER buy myself because no clearance will lower it to what I would pay. The night of the event, I spent my $5 on tickets for the wall of prizes. As I was listening to the first eight, or so, numbers, I thought, “that purse is already gone.” To my surprise, I was the ninth number drawn. When I walked up to the prizes, the purse was still there! I scooped it up, and I can now say that I bought an authentic Coach purse for $5.