Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Drowning in a Sea of Hashtags?

#DontGetMeWrongHashtagsAreGreatToolsWhenUsedCorrectly; however most people overuse hashtags. Hashtags allow you to connect your post, photo, video, etc. with other media that is similar. If you are like me, all of your social media sites are bombarded with hashtags of throwbacks, crushes, and selfies. I am jumping on the bandwagon with #ThriftyAppThursday. Since it is summer vacation for this thrifty and crafty teacher, each Thursday I will showcase an app that I use to help save money at a store, online retailer, etc. I am one of those people that has app folders on their iPhone to stay organized; one folder is dedicated to shopping. Each week I will showcase an app from this folder on my phone. If you have ever investigated the app store, there is not a category for shopping or money saving apps. Check back Thursday for the first #ThriftyAppThursday.

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