If you read my post for class, you know I can find a clearance section anywhere! One of the unusual clearance sections I have found is at Lowe's and Home Depot. How many times have we gone there with significant others or parents and wandered around the labyrinth of aisles? Here is something to make the trip worthwhile. The mistint section of paint. If you look at these major hardware stores you will see this section somewhere near the paint (you have to search for it). When the paint color is not correct, the paint is placed is placed in this section at a deep discount. I have no idea what I will do with the green paint I purchased on the right, but I am sure I can use it to craft something in my classroom (just wait and see what I come up with).

Still not convinced that this is a great deal? Check out the paint on the left. The paint on the left is almost $27 without tax. The can on the right is the paint I found in the mistint section for $5. For all my math teachers out there, that is about a $22 savings! I now have a gallon of rose-colored paint and primer. Now I just have to decide where this paint will lead me. Anytime you go in a major hardware store, check this section and maybe their mistake will lead you on a new decorative venture.
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